Thursday, March 31, 2011

Digital binoculars for bird watching etc.

Digital binoculars are new to me, but I am sure that others have used them for years. 

Anytime there is a person with creativity there will always be someone that will invent their own hacks.
Internet sites are also showing ways to DIY and create your own digital binocular. You can check these out on the internet.

There are numerous companies selling digital binoculars from $39.99 to thousands of dollars depending on how much you want to spend. I would love to hear from someone that has used or does use this type of camera to take pictures.

Also..what is the difference between these and a digital camera with a nice lens??

Anyway..we keep moving on with new technology..whats next??

Can't wait to see!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


This morning I was having coffee and looked out my window and saw something I have never seen before. Couldn't believe it. And after 3 hours of waiting until he was close enough again I got a picture. Not the best quality picture but a picture anyway.
     A white headed Robin WOW! 
Let me know if you have seen one.
Click on the pictures to enlarge them.